About Us
colopena.com makes the importing of wholesale hardware merchandise from China easy for its customers! Our main products are hardware products , the evolvement of China as the
"factory of the world" have made opportunities for direct wholesale
distributor and supplier importing from China much easier than before. We save
you the headaches that come with importing goods from another country, such as
arranging delivery, transportation, and temporary warehousing; learning
complicated export procedures; and deciphering language barriers. We provide a
one-stop service guaranteed to deliver your goods on-time and in perfect shape
right to your doorstep.
It is an undeniable fact that the biggest
attractions of Chinese manufactured goods are their incredibly low prices and
the breadth and depth of their unique product selection. In the past in China,
wholesale merchandise used to be restricted to high volume buyers who
personally flew there to attend trade shows. This restricted intercontinental
import/export company representatives to doing business only with factories
interested in filling big orders. Now, through colopena.com, we offer international
buyers the chance to purchase a wide variety of competitively priced, high
quality Chinese manufactured goods in flexible quantities, instead of having to
buy thousands of units of just one item.